Senin, 26 November 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualikum WR.WB

Okay readers who want to read this bloger hopefully you gain knowledge and insight into the broader ... Amin. just what I'm doing today, first of all I take a shower first before you begin heading off to campus, mistakes in college I had to prepare the gruming, after 7:30 I start assigning the first to one line in front of the kitchen and I called his name one by one to enter in the cold kitchen. After finishing all called one by one to enter cold kitchen, and they return in one line cold kitchen.

me as a supervisor must give a better example to junior. I, darma, and selly carries the basic material about the bakery and today we'll make the bread soft roll. before that we advance to the junior States what did you know about soft roll, finish asking us directly split the 2 groups and 2 in the rebel group has 5 grub and grub 5 has 3 people in 1 grub.

After we finished the Division directly assigning each grub to take equipment and materials that will be used in the manufacture of soft bread roll, finished the materials we first provide instruction in order to be in the process of bread making later not garbled or going according to what we want. After that we made it. finish made Mr. ical entry to see the outcome of the roll of soft bread making and the results were satisfactory, thank God J

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