Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum WR.WB.

Today after a day off, I went to campus before 08.00. But today I come 08.04 because had the content of gasoline in advance. And today I, Nata, and nabilah get turn incharge. When I arrived, all semester 1 one line have in the cold kitchen. Then, the material these days is a croissant. So we called Antonius for showing to the semester 1 making croissants are good and true. While the semester 1 help Antonius prepare, I enter my jacket to the bag and lockers.

After I from lockers, Antonius also want to start showing. I, Nata, and nabilah was just standing in the corner while attend also how Antonius make croissants are good and cool. After Antonius explains how mixing to want on proofing for the first time, Antonius pun told us to share their group and sent them to have doing Finally we divide them into several grub and 2 the wave. When the first wave came in, they were all starting to prepare the ingredients and start mixing right up to the stage of proofing 1. After that second wave comes in, to do things which are done of wave 1. So onward.

All the croissants when already at the stage of proofing to three, we as supervisors must turn on the oven to prepare the baking process. After the oven is already lit and semester 1 is finished, I pray, a representative from each group to bring their croissants in the oven. Then after the croissant they've all been so, I began to wrap it so that they could take home the results of their hard work. After that we started the general cleaning in the cold kitchen, restrooms, and page. After all is done, we call Pak Ical or Mr. Jaya to give feedback today. After that we returned home each.

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