Senin, 13 Januari 2020

Daily Lobster english 1

Assalamualikum wr.wb

Today's material is quite unique, we will fight with four other groups making creations with lobster as the main ingredient and the winners will get a prize of 400 thousand * rather to buy internet data. It's easy to bet through social media by uploading photos through "Instagram" taken the coolest photo and gets the most likes that is the win. We were given two days.

Day -01 prepratiaon.
the first thing I did was choosing a medium sized fresh lobster weighing + 1kg not only that I also took clams, mussels and prawns. for lobster, I just keep the freezer first to keep it fresh and tomorrow I will process it.
then make fish stock for tomyam soup.
I will make the rest the next day so that the food will remain fresh and tasty.

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