Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Hay guys.....Back again in my blog, today has entered a second practice
week with a slightly different agreeable with the initial week of practice. For
this week, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays we handle lunch boxes and morning
coffee at job fair events. The event was a frequent event at the Poltekpar
campus for the people who wanted to get a job. The show is open to the public,
so people who are off campus are biased dating and try their luck. For Monday
we can part lunch box and morning coffee started at 08.00 and lunch box starts
at 10.00.
We are divided into
3 groups consisting of groups of 1, 2, and 3 which in which the group 1 handle
the first menu is for Luunch box, Group 2 handle the second menu on Tuesdays
for the lunch box and Group 3 handle morning coffee. We started to prepare on
Sunday at 08.00 hours and the completion was at 22.00. The time we need to
prepare it is long enough because our friends who are part of the pastry many
have repeated or failed. So we remade it for a couple of times until it was
absolutely perfect.
After a Sunday
filled with drama, on a Monday with a slightly chilly atmosphere from
yesterday's Day. Because for on Monday is not so complicated only the rest put
in the food box and there are some small dramas that occur, such as rice has
not cooked and have entered the hours 09.40 and there is not also something
wrong, so the lunch box is out in the hour 11.00. Because we are still in the
learning process. After everything was done for the 1st KELOMPK, 2 KELOMPK has
begun to prepare. So we waited until Group 2 finished to prepare. So, while
waiting for group 1 and Group 3 do check sourdough. Until here used to blog
stories today until meet again in the next blog
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