Senin, 13 Januari 2020

Daily Final english 2

Assalamualikum wr.wb

Alhamdulillah, we have ended this final, you could say the success of the production, well, although there are a few obstacles, but we can handle it well, at least we are all happy ending 5b MTB.

This moment, maybe only we know what we feel, what we have done until the end there are no words that can be revealed only a sense of relief and lepasss bebass ...
but there will be many phases waiting for us, hopefully we will continue to be the same MTB 5 b at the same time. Graduated :)

Daily Final english 1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

our last day of preparation for the food we will serve at the event total of all food + 500 proportion of jalangkote, sambusa, mochi, tape cake, kueku, coconut sugar, coto Makassar, kimochix, skipjack fufu, makassar sushi along with saraba drinks, coconut ice, etc. most of these foods are almost 98% complete. we need extra energy and heart for the final finals so that tomorrow we end successful because there is still much to be done.

Here I am in charge of production dissection in the making of mochi I can say I am already an expert in the field of dessert Japan, you know! mochi I have blogged before so for you guys want to see the recipe please check this link

Daily Mille Crepe english 2

Assalamualikum wr.wb

still with the same theme milles crepe pallu butung. Time to finish decorating the milles so that it is not too bland I combine two colors namely ori also my pink banana steamed thin slice.
Image result for mille crepe pink
Our crepe is arranged with a layer of cream pallubutung, and we also add bananas by feeding it neatly. After that we cover again with white cream and garnish

Daily Mille Crepe english 1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

delicious cake that originated in France is Mille Crepe.
Mille means thousands that refer to the many layers of crepe that will be seen when cutting it for serving. This cake does consist of thin layers of crepe plus a smear of cream on each strand.

To enjoy it, Mille Crepe is better served cold. This cake is actually very easy to make, you just have to be patient because it will make many thin layers of crepe.

But your patience will not be in vain, because this cake is really delicious. In addition, this cake can be an alternative for you who want to make a cake without using the oven.

Daily Lobster english 2

Assalamualikum wr.wb

Day-02 peak.
Let's continue with the material yesterday. I arrived earlier than other friends, took out all the ingredients from the chiller, took the lobster and fish stock from the frezzer. Made tomyam consisting of lemongrass, galangal, orange leaves, chili, onion, shallot-garlic and do not Forget the fish stock, all of these ingredients are saute onion, shallot until fragrant, add stock, add lemongrass, galangal and seasoning cooked to boiling, turn off lift and set aside.
then my friend named Nabilah made a dressing which was thai sauce and tartar sauce. it is very easy to make these dressings and the ingredients are quite easy to find in Makassar except the following coriander how to make Thai sauce:

chilli sauce
tomato sauce
fish sauce
onion, tomato
oyster sc

moc: all these ingredients put into a bowl then stir all together

Daily Lobster english 1

Assalamualikum wr.wb

Today's material is quite unique, we will fight with four other groups making creations with lobster as the main ingredient and the winners will get a prize of 400 thousand * rather to buy internet data. It's easy to bet through social media by uploading photos through "Instagram" taken the coolest photo and gets the most likes that is the win. We were given two days.

Day -01 prepratiaon.
the first thing I did was choosing a medium sized fresh lobster weighing + 1kg not only that I also took clams, mussels and prawns. for lobster, I just keep the freezer first to keep it fresh and tomorrow I will process it.
then make fish stock for tomyam soup.
I will make the rest the next day so that the food will remain fresh and tasty.

Daily Report english

Assalamualikum wr.wb

this time our material themed Modernist food where I raised a famous mochi cake in Japan. Mochi is made from glutinous rice which will be pounded until soft and sticky, then shaped into a round. Mochi is usually made and eaten during traditional Mochitsuki celebrations or can be called a new Japanese tofu celebration.

now I making mochi with an Indonesian flavor using stuffing from sticky rice tape cream. the material is also a homamade that I made myself. So let's take a peek at the mochi tapei recipe as follows:
rice flour
and coloring to make it more interesting
stuffing material
white cream
mashed glutinous rice tape
moc: mix all ingredients

How to make:
for mochi mixture, mix all ingredients into one container and then give the coloring according to taste, stir until the mixture is even.
Pour into a heat-proof bowl then steam for 15 minutes. Lift and chill
roll the dough layer until it has a thickness of 1mm, print and insert the tape filling to taste, cover tightly and neatly
then put it into the frezzer for 1 hour.
after that serve mochi in a cold state.

Daily pia english 2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

That is my target for this week and there is still a long way to go in the pastry that I will try. Starting yesterday and today I am still trying to make pia until it is rated at the best hahaahaa ..
still the same type as yesterday only there was a slight correction of the shape of the pia by weight on the flour of ingredient A 12g while material B 5g then molding round and then soaking with oil for 5 minutes. After that, fold 3x to have a layer.

Now this technique is rather difficult because the dough dries quickly so it will be difficult to cover it down perfectly. the point of error usually occurs in the ingredients A dough because I made it like a long dough of bread dough hard when add filling will also be difficult to cover, this bad result will be seen at the last step bake. The chocolate filling will melted out and also the bottom will feel very hard like a rock.

It's okay at least the experiment this time I know better where my mistakes are and learn again.

Daily pia english 1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

we entered pia material, which I already have references from the website and occasionally learn some pia making techniques on youtube. And finally we can conclude, the following recipe pia with chocolatte filling

ingredient A
hard flour 165g
sugar 30g
100ml water

ingredient B
soft roll 65 g
2sdt butter
25ml oil

Choco filling
dark chocolate

In making this pia is quite complicated if we have no reference at all and we need to carefully measure the ingredients so it needs to be detailed every step by step because it will affect the baking process. Making pia there are two techniques that are combined namely between croissants and martabak. Where B is immersed in oil a few minutes and then drained, the croissant technique is carried out during the rolling process which is repeatedly made to produce hundreds of layers. after getting the layer then we put the choco according to taste and close it back neatly.

Daily Final 2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

alhamdulillah kami telah berakhir final ini bisa dibilang succes production yaah walaupun ada sedikit kendala tapi kami bisa mengatasinya dengan baik setidaknya kami semua MTB 5b happy ending.

Moment ini,mungkin hanya kami yang tahu apa kita rasa ,apa yang telah kita lakukan sampai akhir tak ada kata yang bisa diungkap hanya rasa lega dan lepasss bebass...
tapi akan banyak fase berikut yg menunggu kita semoga kita MTB 5 b tetap sama juga bersamaan Lulus .Aminnn :)

Daily Final 1

Assalamualikum wr.wb

Hari terakhir kami preparation tuk makanan yang akan kami sajika di events total semua makanan +500porsi dari jalangkote,sambusa,mochi,tape cake,kueku,gula kelapa,coto makassar, kimochix,cakalang fufu,sushi makassar beserta minuman saraba,es kelapa,dll semua jenis makanan ini sebagian besar hampir selesai 98%. kami perlu ekstra tenaga dan hati untuk final akhir ini agar esok kami berakhir sukses karna masih banyak yang akan dikerjakan.

Disini saya bertugas diseksi production dalam pembuatan mochi bisa dikatakan saya sudah ahli dibidang dessert japan ini, Diers tahukan ! mochi telah pernah saya buat diblogg sebelumnya jadi buat kalian ingin lihat resep silahkan cek link ini

Daily Milles Crepe 2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hari ini masih dengan tema yang sama milles crepe pallu butung.waktunya finishing decoration milles agar tidak terlalu hambar saya mengabungkan dua warna yakni ori juga pink pisang kukus saya slice tipis .
Crepe kami tata dengan lapisan cream pallubutung juga menambahkan pisang dengan menyusunya dengan rapi.Setelah itu kami cover kembali dengan cream putih dan garnish apa adanya .jujur untuk basic decor bidang pastry saya masih pemula banyak hal yang harus saya pelajari didunia manis ini.

Pada saat presantation,kata dosen kami salah pada saat filling seharusnya kami mashed pisang dan mengabungkan dengan cream jadi saat dimakan ada kejutan pada setiap gigitan dan terasa pallu butung tapi semuanya lumayan lapisan ratusannya dapat juga rasa manis pas.

Daily Mille Crepe 1

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

okey guys hari ini kita membuat kue lezat yang berasal dari Prancis adalah Mille Crepe. Mille berarti ribuan yang mengacu pada banyakanya lapisan crepe yang akan terlihat saat memotongnya untuk disajikan. Kue ini memang terdiri dari lapisan-lapisan crepe tipis ditambah olesan cream di setiap helainya. Untuk menikmatinya, Mille Crepe lebih enak dihidangkan dalam keadaan dingin. Kue ini sebenarnya sangat mudah dibuat, Anda hanya harus sabar karena akan membuat banyak lapisan crepe yang tipis. Namun kesabaran Anda tidak akan sia-sia, karena kue ini sungguh lezat. Selain itu, kue ini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk Anda yang ingin membuat kue tanpa menggunakan oven.

Tapi milles ini beda dengan lainnya kami membuat lebih fusion lebih modernist juga rasa tradisional dengan citarasa khas makassar " Palllu butung" membuat perbedaan yang sempurna. Jadi hari ini kami hanya preparation bahan saja dan finishing esoknya.