Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualakum wr wb,

               As always I will tell you all day activities in the kitchen, at start From 07:00 we are already in the cool kitchen one line to prepare to receive directions from senior about indonesia breakfast, because yesterday we have done the preparation process so today we live doing menu indonesia breakfast because yesterday we have done the preparation process so today we live doing menu indonesia breakfast.
After all done doing process we also do the plating process and my group is in charge of doing the plating process for the fried rice menu, and as for other groups who are tasked to make slice fruit and there are also other groups who are tasked to make coffee and have it all ready now waiting for orders from the restaurant
And around the hour and a half we are invited to rest and for Muslims in invite to pray, after the break the senior ordered us to read the small book about twenty minutes before the review, after we in the review we are directly directed to do general cleaning before going home and I was in charge of cleaning the kitchen after all we finished doing one line in front of the kitchen to read prayers before going home each.

Menu indonesia breakfast : 


                2. SLICE FRUIT

                   3. AYAM GORENG TALIWANG

                           4. FREAD NOODLE & FREAD RICE

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