Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Dairy Report

                on Tuesday we went to kitchen not as usual today we go early precisely at 07.00 am due to the material on this day about breakfast then we went in early and after we entered the kitchen senior and sir syahrial directly divide the task, and my group served baking denis and croissants and as for other groups in charge of making fruit compote after all the breakfast menu is finished then we immediately do the plating to be prepared in the restaurant.
                around 11:00 we also do one line in the cool kitchen, without any ado we immediately prepare the ingredients of making plaing muffin in the process of making muffins from beginning to end kaka seniors always provide direction on how to make good and true.

after everything was finished we were allowed to rest at 02.00 we returned to the kitchen and immediately did one line to receive material from sir ical, after sir ical finished explaining the material and around four thirty we are welcome to pray before doing the general cleaning, after everything is done we go home.

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