Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Daily Report (MID practice)

Assalamualakum Wr.Wb

Hay guys.....On today Wednesday March 21, my friend departed from dorm to campus using motorcycles. After reaching in the garage, We are heading to the kitchen while preparing the grooming and installing fixtures such as Apron, Neck Tie, Blank Savo and Napkins. At 08:00 we do one line before the cold kitchen and waiting for the Professor supervising for today. After the lecturer came, we started to fill out the sheet for mid of MID semester results. After listening to the direction of our lecturers began doing material that we prepare yesterday.

preparing yesterday

The number of our group there were 8 people and every 2 people responsible for a menu that has been divided. I shared Taufik is responsible to make the menu main course which is "Duck Menyatnyat". Before we start processing the duck, first we cut the duck into 8 pieces. After that, we started making seasoning which we will add to the ducks last.

Menu Rotasi 1.3
Sambal ulang-ulang
soup Shrimp Bisque
Bebek menyatnyat

Bika ambon

After all the food has been ordered, any Restaurant is closed and all the tools that we use are cleaned and stored on Utensils Store. As for section I clear IE Butcher. After all the section cleared, we return to one line in front of the kitchen. We were given a little direction by professors and allowed to return home.

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