Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Today I came early because I want to have breakfast in the cafeteria and finished my breakfast to the kitchen then preparing grooming such as napkins, handkerchief, nails, and hair. After my grooming, we prepare one line in front of the kitchen and then senior call our names one by one for grooming, after examination of the grooming equipment and utensil is finished, we entered the kitchen and store the bags in lockers then we return one line in the cold kitchen.

Before we start a practice, we first pray that in the lead by the Chairman of the class named Gabriel. After finishing prayer, senior told us to read the booklet before it is sent to collect the finished booklet, it senior had us collect small book each and everyone else in our review.

Menu Rotasi 1.4

My group worked on the menu main course IE spaghetti bolognaise which we prepare yesterday, before the Group I work on spaghetti bolognaise us first ask seniors what haven't we understand the step in the making. It's been that I went in on a task by my group of friends to boil the spaghetti, finished it I chill the already boiled spaghetti.

spaghetti bolognaise

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