Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Daily Report

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
             Today's practice come early, because I want to have breakfast in the cafeteria and finish my breakfast to the kitchen and prepare grooming like napkin, handkerchief, nails, and hair. After I prepared grooming, we were one line in front of the kitchen and then the senior called one by one our name for grooming inspection, after grooming inspection and utensil finished, we went into the kitchen and kept the bag in the locker then we were one line back in the cold kitchen.
               Before we started the practice, we first prayed that led by a class leader named Gabriel.
              At 11:30 me and my group friends went into the cold kitchen to prepare such as cutting carrots, turnips, beans, cut macedoing shaped, afterwards I helped another group to do, and after that me and my group friends out the kitchen to pray Dzuhur, after that I went back to the kitchen for one line, and listened to some directions from the senior about the menu that will be made tomorrow morning and finished the senior gives us 1 hour to rest.

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