Rabu, 18 April 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaiku Wr.Wb.

OK guys, I'll tell you about the activities of my practice today. ... Practice this time I come at 07.45, then prepare grooming such as napkins, handkerchief, nails, and hair. After I prepare grooming, we one line in front of the kitchen and then senior call our names one by one for grooming, after examination of the grooming equipment and utensil is finished, we entered the kitchen and store the bags in lockers then we return in the one line cold kitchen.

                Before we start a practice, we first pray that in the lead by the Chairman of the class named fahmi, praying senior telling a little bit about what made these days and then after that a senior give us 5 minutes to learn about what's in the small books, and I went in the review by a senior named Randy, after a few minutes in the review, chef dino ever come and fix one line we went back to listen to the direction of chef dino.



                Completed tasks are shared by senior, we start prepare materials needed and I were assigned to peel shrimp, peel shrimp, we break. I, aswandi and Wahyu to the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch, finished eating we went back to the kitchen to do the cleanup but I am on the post's front page to clean up the kitchen along with a friend of mine named Wahyu, after the given task we jump started it, after having done that, we also restore one line to go back to the dorm.

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