Selasa, 03 April 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Practice today I arrive early, because I want to have breakfast in the cafeteria and finished my breakfast to the kitchen then preparing grooming such as napkins, handkerchief, nails, and hair. After I prepare grooming, we one line in front of the kitchen and then senior call our names one by one for grooming, after examination of the grooming equipment and utensil is finished, we entered the kitchen and store the bags in lockers then we return in the one line cold kitchen.

Before we start a practice, we first pray that in the lead by the Chairman of the class named Yudha. Once completed, we pray in for doing and prepare today, my group was commissioned to prepare but I am on the post by Mr. Syahrial to petrified friends are doing, done in groups I petrified friends working on the menu dessert for make a liquid sugar, finished that I given by senior coupon for table manner, the finished tablets manner I returned to the kitchen together with wahyu and aswandi.

At 12:00 me and a friend went into the cold kitchen prepare to do like cut carrot, Lemongrass leaves, onions, chicken, then I called my friend who is name by wahyu to accompanied buy brushes, and after buying a brush that I back to the kitchen, after that I went in the post by sir ical for repainting the wall that exists in our kitchen, WC and began to paint it. finished repainting the front wall of the rest room, we also break and went out to buy a drink and returned to the kitchen but the mistakes in the kitchen all my friends have already left for home and shared my, wahyu, and aswandi returned to the dorm.

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