Senin, 16 April 2018

Daily Report


Hay Genk .... met again with my blogger, ok I will tell about my practice activities in the kitchen .... The practice this time around I came early because I want to have breakfast in the cafeteria and finished my breakfast to the kitchen then preparing grooming such as napkins, handkerchief, nails, and hair. After I prepare grooming, we one line in front of the kitchen and then senior call our names one by one for grooming, after examination of the grooming equipment and utensil is finished, we entered the kitchen and store the bags in lockers then we return in the one line cold kitchen.

Before we start a practice, we first pray that in the lead by the Chairman of the class named Kevin. After that Mr. icha entered to replace Mr. sayhrial because it was busy, Mr. Ichal else explains the menu to be made today and explain ways to make it, finished explaining about what will we make today, and Mr. Syahrial out after explaining about the menu that made today. Finished explaining Mr. Ichal else explains a bit about the General cleaning because of the time Friday many do not attend, Finished explaining the matter, a senior took over the back and split the duties of the menu rotation II. 4, I went in to make a post the appetizer menu.


Completed tasks are shared by senior, we also start prepare materials needed and I was tasked to prepare the flour, finished it, I made the sauce and mayonaise for a topping it was me and my comrades one line back, and senior any review we completed our review, any break. I, aswandi and Wahyu to the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch, finished eating we went back to the kitchen to do general cleaning but this time I do not do general cleaning because most of my friends in law by ichal Pack to perform cleanup common throughout the kitchen, finished it we one line in front of the kitchen for a return to the dormitory, it is the activities of the corpse I genk ... OK to meet tomorrow.

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