Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

As usual these days I practice and heading off to campus before 08.00 hours. in the kitchen until after I go straight to the cool kitchen because today no senior in charge. regarding my group today off so I made a product of sea weed. Initially I did not agree with the product but because of my group of friends who would all try so I followed my group of friends that is all everyone wants to make a product of sea weed so I helped make into crackers and then sunning in front of kitchen.

The process by which we do quite a long time because we had to find a way how to eliminate odors in sea weed that is so intense. So initially we sea wed soak it with fresh water and then we dry all day and night we soak it again with fresh water bathing overnight and so on until the sea weed turns into white color. After that we turn it into a product, actually a lot of product that we created but we made one by one as we still doubt with product.

Today I helped a group appetizer because last week I've made it so I help make dressing and also the helped group that makes the soup, today we not open a restaurant like the previous days this week as the lecturer said this week if there are no open restaurant food so today we made today is eaten by our own, so we had a chance to taste the food that we created yourself, we can know where the shortage of dishes that we made.

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