Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Today I will tell about my activities in the kitchen with friends, before we were called by a senior for one line, we installed the first apron and napkins after that any senior called us one by one to check out equipment or our equipment down so you can enter the kitchen, after the equipment or supplies everything done at chek our one line inside the cool kitchen to listen directives from senior and to this day my group was tasked to prepare kondro bakar.

After we give the task to prepare kondro burn, I went in the post by my group of friends to take the meat and then the meat I separate with its own fat, finished separating with the fat I want meat separate binding with his bones, so that by the time the bone with meat cooked in were not separated, at a time when the process of cooking the meat takes quite a long time in order to make the meat tender while at the fed, because it takes quite a long time to wait, I help the group in charge of making jalangkote.

Complete help groups that make jalangkote, I look back at the Cook and kondro already feels tender when in bit, after the cold kondro I integrate it into the chiller, and then we started to General cleaning as I usually, aswandi, and transferred to clean in wahyu wc, completed by cleaning wc we also break and after the kitchen all in one line, we also clean up in front of the finished kitchen that we returned to the hostel.

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