Minggu, 23 September 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum WR.WB

I came to the hotel 7:15 hour gammara then I fill in absent kemuadian to the main kitchen. After that I incarge in the show kitchen. I keep an eye on fried rice for breakfast. Fried rice is a form of food fried rice and stir fried in oil or margarine, plus usually sweet soy sauce, shallots, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers.

After that I helped to prepare Risol Mayo which I prepare is the carrot and potato on cut Brunoise and I also help prepare material for Pumkin Soup in which the material is carrot and Pumpkin. Risol Mayo is one type of pastry that was given as stuffing minced meat, vegetables, or eggs. Initially the rissole is pancake batter or pancakes dibalur with bread crumbs and fried.

Then we blanch the carrots and potatoes-me in pieces for stuffing Risol. And I am petrified to Closing for Breakfast and return set up her again tomorrow for the Condiment. Then we rest hour 12:00 for 1 hour for lunch and prayer. Then we went back again to make Risol Mayo after we create the Risol Mayo we store it in the chiller that will be deep fried for tomorrow as much as 150 pax. Here is a photo of our activities today.

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