Minggu, 23 September 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum WR.WB
Back again on my blog, this time I keep telling my activities during practice in the kitchen but that make it different for this week I practice in my kitchen Gammara Hotel. Not without reason I practice in my kitchen Gammara Hotel that is because mentally we're trained so accustomed in the industrialized world and while doing the training we're not rigid again. For hours, entered practice in the hotel faster an hour from campus kitchen. Which is usually in our campus entrance at 8, in the hotel we came in at 7.
For this first day we do is merely an introduction to the workplace. The time came we were told to wait for the first, and after that a new invite rose to the kitchen and the Division section. This time I get a section in the main kitchen together Miftah, Wanda, Edo, and Kevin. After the Division of the section of our hotel be carried around from one section to another section by Demi Chef. After our brief tour back to the respective section. In the main kitchen I got acquainted with Dian, son of training in action.

The first thing I do in the main kitchen that is preparing the ingredients of food for breakfast tomorrow. Now I am working on i.e. cut the corn for the corn cob, cut broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms for cah broccoli mushrooms. After you prepare the 50s finished we do general cleaning and lunch. After lunch return to the kitchen, we were invited to go into the cold kitchen and taught the curving fruit watermelon.

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