Senin, 05 Februari 2018

Daily report

                Monday at 08:00pm we get together in front kitchen and directly do one line and senior absent one by one while check the completeness of the tool and check mustache and nail then we into the kitchen directly do one line and before doing activity first the class leader leads the prayer and greeting to senior and sir syahrial ,and sir syahrial provide direction on the ordinance in doing a good product manufacture and true.
                At around 09:00 we started doing breakfast menu that is hard roll, soft roll, and twist bread and we also divided into 10 groups and each group consists of 4 people and every group makes 1 breakfast menu and we group gets the task of making soft roll and other groups make hard roll, and twist bread and in the production process seniors are always watching and giving directions and after everything is finished we are given time by senior to isoma for approximately one hour.

                after our isoma went straight back to the kitchen and went straight one line to accept the division of the group into five groups , after knowing the product to be made that is croissant, and denis and my group is in charge of making croissants and immediately we did prepare material from croissant after the ingredients are available we also directly and after we make the dough we keep the dough to enter the freezer for baking preparation tomorrow after everything is finished we immediately do the general cleaning and after all we finish one line for the preparation of home each.

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