Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Today I will tell you about my activities in the kitchen with my friends, before we are called by senior for one line, we first install apron and napkin after that senior call us one by one to find our equipment or equipment down to enter the kitchen, after the equipment or equipment all finished in our chek one line in the kitchen cool to listen to the direction of the senior and for today my group is ready to prepare spaghetti bolognese kitchen menu.

At 10.00 we prepared the materials to be used, after that I was assigned to cut the onion and garlic then I switch to demi glace sauce

The work is done and we break from 13:00 to 13:50, after we rest we come back again in the cool kitchen, then we are told to collect a small book that we down and we were called one by one for checking, after that one line for the division of general cleaning tasks in the kitchen, as for me and some friends get a part in the cool kitchen. after our work is done, we take a rest while waiting for the others to finish. after all we finished our one line outside the kitchen to receive directions from sir jayadi after that we went home.

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