Senin, 02 April 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Hay guys ...... This week I have recently made the daily report again, because last Sunday I'm doing mid practice. OK guys .... Today I set off campus a bit late due to the effects of staying up. Mistakes in the kitchen I immediately install the apron, blank safo, and napkins after everything installed I immediately do one line because at the time the friends have already done one line, then a senior call our names one by one to check equipment and grooming, finished it we then went into the kitchen.

Entry to the kitchen at the cool kitchen to do one line back, after all one line senior directly provide us with an explanation of the menu rotation 2.1

After that we went out of the kitchen because my group 2 for that we discuss the project that will be created, finished discussing our project into the kitchen to make the project, then we split the task so that the quick project creation, I give the assignment to take materials and cutting these materials, after the project was finished we go straight into the office for project presentation we made listen, but after criticism from Sir wawan less Nice and Sir wawan suggested us to make another product.

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