Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Today again I will tell my activity during my practice in the kitchen, today I kinda come faster IE before 07.00 hours so I also wake up so quickly because today we'll introduction materials/ingredients because yesterday by senior There is one of us who haven't learned very well distinguish foodstuffs and incorrectly entered into the food as a result unpalatable foods that make the food taste changed into a strange, but it makes us better know more material again and hopefully there is nothing wrong again.

Today we plan to make mini burgers helps four-semester but because today food is not so out so we were advised to make our project so today I make a product more of seaweed, first I searched first recipe donut because Today we want to make seaweed doughnuts, but we got no recipe so we want to change it to make something else yet because we are told one line back up for the next Mr. Ical entry to our class for showing mini burgers which we will create.

After Mr. Ical entry to our class and start wanting an existing stove turns showing him cool kitchen would be used by the professors that do not work and finally we were told to go home, all the product we made today we store in our chiller had already prepare, we are also confused as to why was told to go home so one of my classes we went in again to the cool kitchen to explain and to professors about the problem but still we were told to go home, so today we're not doing anything unless we prepare created earlier and also the introduction of material by senior we were told to go home without a general cleaning.

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