Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

Daily Report

Assalamu'alaikum WR.WB

Hay guys. ... Today I begin active College back, of the duration of a holiday and not feel I've 3 semester with new story no doubt. And as usual I will tell my activities at the time of the practice in the kitchen. At the moment we do practice, we first pray according to our respective reliance that in the lead by the Chairman of the senior class, finished our prayer any divide into four groups and then Mr. jaya began to explain about the recipe which will in doing this day of ....

After Mr. jaya finished explaining about what we know, and yet my group ever in the post to make a main dish, after that I and my group of friends split the task again, I and my friend named uzi in make to make Tori no teriyaki, first we prepare materials in need then I am creating teriyaki sauce first. Finished making teriyaki sauce, I marinate the chicken breasts with teriyaki sauce that I made earlier and then we wait a few hours for the teriyaki sauce is really pervasive.

At 11:30 we started grilling chicken breast already with Wade in teriyaki sauce, finished grilling chicken breast mentioned me any thin-thin cut (slice). And at the time of the presentation of the less satisfying, because the teriyaki sauce was not too pervasive into a chicken breast, so that at the time in the central part of the slice chicken breast is still the White is supposed to be Brown. Finished it we started the General cleaning and I transferred in to clean the TOILET, we completed one line and returned home.

See you tomorrow for new story writing....

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