Senin, 05 November 2018

Daily Report

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

this time I will recount the events of today ... where this week is the week of practice, and this time I will be recounting about the menu that you want to create a menu i.e. i. Where a menu is made 4 weeks ago but the menu there are some who replaced as main course (tuna carpacio). okey straight to the story ....

at 07:30 I start preparing the equipment will be brought later to the kitchen, finished preparing all equipment then I started ironing a shirt so that it doesn't look neat and looks (unkempt, finished ironing, I switched to shoes because my shoes are rather dusty look I semer shoes in order to look clean. Upon arriving on campus (kitchen), I was 5 minutes late and my friends already on one line in the kitchen (main kitchen), then the supervisor directs us to recounting about the menu that will be made today.

finished it Mr. ical convey something important to us, namely discussing the place of training, looking for training that's never too high thinking because it is not possible for us to directly make food at the venue, in place of the training we just Learn how the system work in the industry. Finished explaining, we immediately start prepare today, because today I am on the post make appetizer with his sham, mifta, maya, yudha, fatta, and yusril mahendra ... after the prepare is over we start general cleaning, completed it our one line and go home each

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